Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Many women suffer from sexual dysfunction, inability to orgasm, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy (thinning of the tissues), pain with sex, lichen sclerosis and incontinence. These symptoms impact their quality of life but no one talks about it.

    • 43% of women experience sexual dysfunction.
    • 23% of women have urinary incontinence.
    • 58% of menopausal women have vaginal dryness.

Most women believe that this is something they have to live with, this is not true! PRP vaginal rejuvenation can help and it has many other benefits.


    • Decreased or completely resolved pain during sex.
    • Increased vaginal lubrication.
    • Increased ability to have orgasms.
    • Stronger and more frequent orgasms.
    • Decreased or resolved overactive bladder and/or urinary incontinence.
    • Lichen sclerosis treatment.
    • Anti-aging to the vaginal tissues.

What is PRP?

Plasma Rich Plasma (PRP) Vaginal Rejuvenation is a non-surgical, outpatient treatment that utilizes the body’s own blood to restore function, rejuvenate cells, and heal tissues. PRP is derived from your own blood. It contains concentrated platelets, rich in bioactive proteins. Platelets when activated release growth factors to stimulate cellular regeneration and accelerate tissue repair and healing. PRP is one of the most advanced, effective natural treatments for repair and rejuvenation.

How is it preformed?

To prepare PRP a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient. The blood is then processed, we use Emcyte Pure PRP, which provides the highest concentrations of platelets on the market, thus the best achieved results. A topical anesthetic is applied to numb the treatment area. Next, PRP is injected into the vaginal tissue using a very small needle. PRP promotes tissues to tighten, regenerate and accelerate healing of vaginal tissues.

What to expect?

Patients report that during procedure they experience very little to no pain. You may be mildly tender later that day but you can resume all activities 4 hours after the procedure, including sexual activity.

Side Effects?

PRP is created from your own blood, therefore there are a few potential side effects. These include minor bleeding or bruising, swelling, and very rarely infection.

How many treatments are needed?

Most patients will need 1-3 treatments to alleviate symptoms and achieve desired results.

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone experiencing inability to orgasm, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy (thinning of the tissues), pain with sex, lichen sclerosis is potentially a candidate. This is a simple, outpatient procedure that could increase your quality of life. Schedule your appointment today.

How long do the results last?

PRP stimulates natural tissue repair and rejuvenation. This tissue will decline naturally as we age. Many patients get PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation once a year to keep tissues healthy and to remain symptom free.

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