Hair Loss

Hair Loss

PRP Hair Restoration

Plasma Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Restoration is an outpatient non-surgical treatment that can regrow hair that has fallen out and thicken existing hair follicles. Did you know that 40% of women have visible hair loss by age 40 and 85% of men by the age 50 have significant hair loss. Hair loss is progressive, which means it worsens over time. For many people it negatively affect your self-esteem, confidence, and personal relationships. Thousands of patients start to feel the effects of this problem. Many People have already tried supplements and medications with varied results and side effects. At Lake Stevens Natural Medicine, we offer PRP Hair Restoration as a natural non-surgical treatment.

Benefits of PRP Hair Restoration

    • Thickens hair follicle size
    • Stops hair loss
    • Induces hair growth

What is PRP?

PRP Hair restoration is a non-surgical, outpatient treatment that utilizes the body’s own blood to rejuvenate cells and grow hair. PRP is derived from your own blood. It contains concentrated platelets, rich in bioactive proteins. Platelets, when activated, release growth factors to stimulate cellular regeneration and accelerate tissue repair and healing. PRP is one of the most advanced and effective natural treatments for repair, rejuvenation, and hair growth.

How is it preformed?

To prepare PRP a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, the blood is then processed, we use Emcyte Pure PRP. It provides the highest concentrations of platelets on the market, thus the best achieved results. A topical anesthetic is applied to numb the treatment area on the scalp. Next, PRP is injected into the scalp using a very small needle. PRP promotes more new hair growth and it encourages shrunken hair follicles to become larger and healthier.

What to expect?

Patients report that during the procedure they experience little to no pain. The scalp maybe tender up to 4 days after treatment. New hair growth can be seen as early as 2 months after PRP and usually within 6 months. Hair may continue to improve for up to 1 year after treatment.

How many treatments are needed?

It is recommended that patients receive an initial treatment of once a month, for 3 months. Followed by a maintenance treatment, once a year.

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone experiencing thinning hair of the scalp is potentially a candidate. This is a simple, outpatient procedure that could increase your quality of life. Schedule your appointment today.

Side Effects?

PRP is created from your own blood, so there are few potential side effects. These include minor bleeding or bruising, swelling, and very rarely infection.


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